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文章来源:  更新时间:2023-03-22 04:30:13


文章来源:  更新时间:2023-03-22 04:30:13

Bridge frameworks are an important part of fire safety. They provide a barrier between the structure of a building and the fire, helping to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading. There are several levels of fire protection materials used in bridge frameworks, each designed to provide a different level of protection.

The first level of fire protection material used in bridge frameworks is non-combustible material. This material is designed to resist the spread of fire and is often used in the construction of walls and floors. It is also used in the construction of roofs and other areas where fire could spread quickly.

The second level of fire protection material used in bridge frameworks is fire-resistant material. This material is designed to slow the spread of fire and is often used in the construction of walls and floors. It is also used in the construction of roofs and other areas where fire could spread quickly.

The third level of fire protection material used in bridge frameworks is fire-retardant material. This material is designed to slow the spread of fire and is often used in the construction of walls and floors. It is also used in the construction of roofs and other areas where fire could spread quickly.

The fourth level of fire protection material used in bridge frameworks is fire-proof material. This material is designed to completely stop the spread of fire and is often used in the construction of walls and floors. It is also used in the construction of roofs and other areas where fire could spread quickly.

Bridge frameworks are an important part of fire safety. By using the right level of fire protection material, a bridge framework can help to contain a fire and prevent it from spreading. This can help to save lives and property in the event of a fire.



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